

Operators are an addition to programming languages, so we do not have to use methods for everything. Usually there are built-in operators and some programming languages, like C#, support also user-defined operators.

List of operators in C# (sorted by order of execution)

Operators use Operands

int sum;
    sum       =         3        +         5 ;
//operand  operator  operand  operator  operand

Both operators in the above example are binary operators, because they need two operands to work.

The increment and decrement oprator are unary operators, which only use one operand:

int i = 3;
i++; // Unary opertaor

Prefix and Postfix Operators

int i = 10;            
if (i++ == 10) {
    Console.WriteLine("Condition True"); // Executed

Line 2: Expression is evaluated and then the increment is executed.

int i = 10;            
if (++i == 10) {
    Console.WriteLine("Condition True"); // Not executed

(Please notice the difference in Line 2: i++ vs. ++i)

Line 2: The increment is executed and then the expression is evaluated.

Trenary operator

string text;
int num = 10;            
if (num == 10) {
    text = "Condition True";
} else {
    text = "Condition False";
string text;
int num = 10;
text = ( (num == 10) ? "Condition True" : "Condition False" );



text = num == 10 ? "True" : "False";